2012 - U13AA Spring Development
After having success with our first few years of a U13AA Development model since 2019, we are going to be moving forward with the same model this upcoming year.
This spring, like any, the main focus should naturally be skill development. This is the one unique year that body checking introduction will be a large focus, as players get ready for U15 AA/AAA next season. Pinnacle has an exceptional track record of moving players into U15 AA/AAA!!
The model we are looking at setting up is as follows:
- TWO development groups (not one strong than the other, more based on players wanting to be with friends, carpooling, etc)
- U13AA players only (affiliates to U13AA to be considered depending on registration numbers)
- The icetimes will exclusively be focused on skill development, body checking intro and throughout spring, station work, flow drills and small area games. There will also be some icetimes of cross-ice 3on3 tournaments, as this will serve as great number of touches/battles for players.
- 16-18 skill/practice icetimes - 2 per week (weekday evenings)
- 7 intersquad games on weekends over the 2 month program (April/May). Rosters will ALWAYS be interchanged between the two groups, so always different teammates and teams.
- Players will receive jersey, hoody and workout shirt
At the end of the day, 2-3 tournaments over spring will yield approximately 12-15 games (unfortunately, the way most are run these days). As all of you know, there is usually lack of transparency in these tournaments with team placements and furthermore regular frustrations with reffing in these tournaments. With this program, players will get 10 games, obviously with a little less on the line than a tournament, but will get all players prepared for in game contact.
The cost of this program will be $1250 total (including GST). The other beautiful part if there is no travel for families and at the end of the day, you will get the exact same development and body checking prep out of spring than you would with an actual team. This model is largely replicated from the Bantam/Midget/Junior programs Pinnacle currently runs for the older players.
I understand that this approach and program will be unconventional to what people expect in their spring program, but can guarantee that you are 1 year away from this model anyway, just a first for Peewee Age.
I strongly urge you to consider this program. Please do contact me for further discussion if interested. With the buy-in of this program, it will be a wonderful setup for players to do no different in spring that what they are already doing, DEVELOP (at a economical price), and naturally get ready for quadrant next year. This is not to disqualify the value and enjoyment one gets on an actual spring team, just providing and moving forward with a different option as there seems to be a lot of interest from PWAA families.
Mickey Kluner